My Resume

computer Engineer

My hobbies.

off roader

1998 isuzu trooper

  • Two inch torsion bar lift in the front, with lifted coil springs in the rear
  • Cherry Bomb Vortex muffler
  • P265 75 R16 tires


29 gallon planted Freshwater tank

  • Planted with various Anubias and Java Fern
  • Tetras, Tiger Barbs, Freshwater Hatchetfish, small Catfish, and Golden Apple Snails all reside in my tank.

gnu/linux user

it all started on my playstation 3

  • I started using Linux back in high school where I installed Yellow Dog Linux 5 on my Playstation 3. 
    ​I currently run Fedora on all my workstations


mountain biking 

  • I ride on trails all over New Mexico on a 2008 Cannondale f5 and on a 1998 Trek 820.
  • I'm beginning all new adventures on the pavement with my Trek 400 Series.